Friday, June 6, 2008
This and That
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Ahhh... Spring!

Looks like I'll be heading back to Iowa again this winter, (the week of Dec. 6th), to hunt during the Knight Rifles Invitational Hunt. This will be my third year. The first year I managed to take a really nice, 140" deer on film that made a nice TV show. Last year I managed to blow a shot on the biggest deer I have ever seen while hunting. He was about 170+" and all of 75 yards away. A sapling at 10 yards that I never saw, threw itself in front of this lucky buck, thus giving it's life so I could be haunted for the rest of the season. Oh well, He'll be bigger this year and I'll look harder for those evil saplings.
Enough time spent on cold thoughts. The Keys are looming soon and so are the Great Smokey Mtns. Cades Cove specifically. A friend told me about all the opportunities for photography here and it has not left my mind since. Another friend I mentioned it to told me that all, real, professional photographers know about Cades Cove. He said he figured I already knew. That makes me think that maybe he's telling me I'm not a real, professional, photographer just yet. We'll see. I'm heading there the middle of June.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
A New Day and a New Destination
Going through all the images from the 6 weeks on the road recently has really become a mind numbing task. I'm not sure how many times I've seen some of them, and probably wouldn't be too disappointed if I didn't have to see them again. Disc of images have been burned and sent on their way to the proper clients and all is well. There are a few more that need to be finished though. The next tasks here at home will be getting started on a DVD slideshow for the ICAST, and a final outline and selection of images for the outdoor photography seminar I will be doing later this year in Tennessee.
The picture above was shot since I've been home at a local state owned marsh and hunting area. For whatever reason, I've had a few nights where sleeping past 4:30 am is not going to happen, so I've tried to make the best of it and hit some local spots that I don't get to often enough. I was able to make a few nice photos here that may eventually end up on my website. Speaking of which, there are going to be some changes on the site coming soon. Nothing too drastic immediately, but the keen observer may begin to notice something here and there begining next week.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
6 Days on the Road...

Saturday, April 26, 2008
Back to Work

The turkey hunting is still going strong, although I have yet to get my second. I am content though with having gotten rid of the Kentucky curse. My friend here, Steve Bailey and his 10 year old son Curtis managed to double recently on a pair of great birds one afternoon. That's the photo above. Another reason for the photo with this blog entry is to exalt the power of the reflector. Or two in this case. Available light made for an OK photo, flash filled in the shadows OK too, but the reflectors kept the light color better, filled the shadows, put catch lights in the eyes, and brought the colors of the feathers in the birds to life. As much as I love my Pocket Wizards, and couldn't do without them in some situations, I now use reflectors as my "Go To" outdoors, as fill and rim lighting in the studio, and always carry a small one with while walking the hills with the camera, just in case.
There is still plenty of work to finish here for several clients, then a meeting at Realtree in GA., and then another meeting that is being set up in TN about the possibility of me doing a day long outdoor photography seminar at a lodge this summer. I've never done a seminar on photography but I am really looking forward to it. I will make it home at the beginning of May to attend an RMEF banquet that we donated a hunt to from Straight Creek Outfitters, (Bailey and myself), and then back to KY, GA, and TN.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
The Curse is Gone!

Friday, March 28, 2008
Home at Last

Enough whining though. In a few days I'll be heading to Kentucky to the Knight and Hale "Compound" to do some more portrait work for them and Pradco. I love work like that. I can envision what the final image will look like before I start, but I get a kick out of the sideway glances from subjects and bystanders as I set up the lighting and backgrounds. the 6 foot diameter reflectors that "Pop" out of a much smaller pouch always gets a reaction.
From there it will be 3 or 4 weeks of shooting set-ups and ads for several new, and old clients at our farm in Eastern Kentucky. I have a few friends and family members that will drop in to do some turkey hunting as well from time to time. The time here I think will go quick with the constant activity. As the season ends in early May, I'll pack up and head further south to Columbus, GA and meetings with the folks at Realtree. I've never been there and I'm anxious to see what the place looks like.
The plan is to head back north again to Nashville, TN. hopefully picking up a bit of new work there as well. Tony Smotherman who lives there, and I have been planning some fly fishing and striper fishing for a while now. We may even make a run to Iowa or Misourri for a last minute turkey hunt. And no trip to Nashville would be complete without at least one night on Broadway. Sort of like a night cap for the trip, if you will.