Feels good to be back home again. Unfortunately it's just a pitstop for a longer trip that will include even more states and about 6 weeks. The warmer weather down south and the anticipation of work from new clients is exciting but leaving the family for that length of time is not going to be easy. I'm sure that by the time I get back home in mid May I'll feel like a stranger in my own house.
Enough whining though. In a few days I'll be heading to Kentucky to the Knight and Hale "Compound" to do some more portrait work for them and Pradco. I love work like that. I can envision what the final image will look like before I start, but I get a kick out of the sideway glances from subjects and bystanders as I set up the lighting and backgrounds. the 6 foot diameter reflectors that "Pop" out of a much smaller pouch always gets a reaction.
From there it will be 3 or 4 weeks of shooting set-ups and ads for several new, and old clients at our farm in Eastern Kentucky. I have a few friends and family members that will drop in to do some turkey hunting as well from time to time. The time here I think will go quick with the constant activity. As the season ends in early May, I'll pack up and head further south to Columbus, GA and meetings with the folks at Realtree. I've never been there and I'm anxious to see what the place looks like.
The plan is to head back north again to Nashville, TN. hopefully picking up a bit of new work there as well. Tony Smotherman who lives there, and I have been planning some fly fishing and striper fishing for a while now. We may even make a run to Iowa or Misourri for a last minute turkey hunt. And no trip to Nashville would be complete without at least one night on Broadway. Sort of like a night cap for the trip, if you will.